
  • Braces Frequently Asked Questions

    How will this impact on their social lives?
    What will people think?
    Will it make me look silly?

    FAQ about Clear Braces
  • Recommended for:

    Crooked teeth, Open bite, Misalignment, Dental gaps

  • Why Clear Braces Ireland?

    Bespoke, Ultimately discreet, Removable, Oral health, Comfort


Using aligners is not an overnight success, typically six to eighteen months is the time line required for the treatment to be completed dependent on your dental needs.

Our Orthodontist

The assessment for patients who want to have clear braces is initially done by our trained dentist, Dr O’Connor, who will with an orthodontist consult as well create a treatment schedule for your dental needs.

Free Consultation

Having an orthodontist involved in the planning of the clear braces is paramount and is what makes Clear Braces Ireland different in the market. All the appointments from the Free Consultation to the final appointment will all take place in one dental practice.

Clear Braces Dublin Ireland – the alternative

Clear braces are the alternative to this problem for our patients. As we know patients are sensitive about their looks and having to have orthodontic treatment which can take up to eighteen months to complete is something that we have taken into account.

Be delivering clear braces which are transparent aligners which are progressive, meaning they adjust your teeth with gentle pressure over time, bespoke to your mouth and teeth, made for comfort (no brackets or wires) and also removable when eating.

Each set of aligners will be worn for fourteen to twenty one days which will gradually and gently align your teeth, ideally for adults and older teenagers who need minor adjustments. Clear braces are NOT for major orthodontic needs in patients and there is no clear aligner that can provide major orthodontic treatment. You will visit your dentist every four to six weeks for new aligners that will continue your treatment.

  • Bespoke

    Tailored only for your teeth

  • Ultimately discreet

    No-one should know you are wearing them

  • Removable

    Can be removed when eating, drinking or brushing teeth

  • Oral health

    Ability to clean teeth lessens chances of tooth decay

  • Comfort

    No gum irritation caused by wire and metal brackets

Clear Aligners are orthodontically suitable for:

  • Overlapping Teeth
  • Misaligned Teeth
  • Gapped/Spaced Teeth

Clear aligners are only suitable for minor to medium orthodontic needs for a patient. Usually used by adults and older teenagers to adjust misaligned/crooked teeth in a safe and gentle manner that is very discreet.